Critique bad 2k RPG Author Radiant Entertainment Notices best 5k. Support, Invoice Ninja, Voucher Code: 35% Off + Extra 10% Off Coupon. Fixed bug in Employee List where SSN could not be set. Fixed bug where in multi-currency installs of QuickBooks and both the customer and job was not created the newly created customer and job was being created in the home currency and the currency field was being ignored. Vendor Credit - changed logic to group by both Vendor and RefNumber. 01 Transaction Pro Importer 5.0 - Update Page. Can't update. Help please. stonehearth - reddit, How to I report bugs - TurboTax Support - I have read and searched around to see if there is anything I can do to update it but I can't figure it out. I bought it through Humble Bundle store off of the Stonehearth website, and I have done the re-sending of keys to my email, but I didn't get the key for Stonehearth. It's not in my library and I never linked it to steam, I actually did do that. Spent 25 minutes on the phone with a very courteous agent and patiently explained the proxy issue. Maybe we ended up with the wrong rep, because after all this I was told to report the problem on the forums, which I've done. I'm hoping someone from Intuit reads this post and can help us get this bug resolved. You need a valid voucher code to apply for extra discount. It is common that users search for coupon code before they purchase a product online. When you can pay it less, why would you pay it at full price? VPN discount coupon lets you enjoy the great VPN service at low cost.